Sunday, May 30, 2010

Fun Sunday

Woke up late ---read the Sunday paper---my husband and I read through recipes to find an awesome and fancy appetizer we could take to the BBQ we are going to at 4:00--Lot's of good food and this couple have a really nice wine cellar mmmmmm! We're making Gougeres--bite size cheesey little puffs.
But first I just woke the boy up and the 3 of us are going to go swim laps for an hour or so.
I'm pretty happy---this morning I was at my lowest 207.5 ---finally! I have actually been eating more calories for the last week or so (1000 to 1200) could that be why? weird!!


Anonymous said...

I think that could be why! I am going to try to stay around 1200 calories when I can actually eat food again! Have fun at the BBQ.

THE DASH! said...

Lovely. Its always exciting to hit a new low!!

Girl Bandit said...

Congrats on the loss and hope you had a good time

Sandy said...

You're doing great. Hope the appetizer was good. And Yeah for the scale moving down.

Lap Band Groupie said...

Here comes Onederland!!! Yep, keep those calories at 1000-1200 and the WL will come! You're doing great during Bandster Hell!